Disability Care
Direct Care has supported people with disability for over 20 years.We partner with you to develop life skills and confidence so you can live positively.
Direct Care is a now registered disability support provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in South Australia. Current and up to date information about the supports available and how to access these can also be obtained directly from National Disability Insurance Agency (see here for further info NDIA). Once a funding package has been allocated to you, we can work with you to develop a comprehensive support program.
All NDIS Prices are in line with the NDIS Support Catalogue; these will be updated as advised by the NDIS.

Case Management
Coordination of supports
24/7 live in support
Individualised one-on-one supportIndividualised one-on-
one supportSupport to transition to independently
livingSupport to transition
to independently
Development of independent
life skillsLearning support
Complex & high intensity supportComplex & high
intensity supportCommunity access & transportCommunity access
& transport

Aged Care
We are an approved Aged Care Provder and we offer a wide variety of services for the elderly. All our services are flexible and can be provided for either a couple of hours, short term or an ongoing basis. We work 24 / 7, 365 days a year. Our approach to supporting people is to provide the support you need to live the life you want.
Do you require re-ablement or restorative care? This could be extra support at home after hospital or improving your independence at home. We can increase your ability to live well. We will work with you to design a special wellness service that is specifically designed to minimise or reduce your functional decline.
If you are not eligible for funding from Aged Care schemes, our services can be purchased on a private basis.
Personal Care
Respite Care
Palliative Care
Consumer Directed Care
Overnight & sleepover care
Reablement and RehabilitationReablement and
Aged Care Placement Service
Assisting individuals or
families to secure residentialTransport
Service Coordination
Case Management
Home Maintenance
How Direct Care Can Help

We partner with you to understand your needs and to enable you to achieve the independence you seek. This could include assistance with daily living, support to live on your own or with others, making meals and entertaining, dressing and personal styling, home maintenance, home administration and domestic assistance. We support you to feel comfortable in our own home, doing the things we want to do and seeing the people we love.

We have a range of respite options available to full or part-time caregivers so that you have the choice and flexibility to take a break while the person you care for enjoys a positive and meaningful experience tailored to their needs. We understand that caring for someone can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and regular breaks (‘called respite’) can help to relieve the stress and exhaustion. Call one of our support coordinators today and we will provide you with information and referral options.

Whether you are keen to try a new activity, make new friends or just to get out and about more, we have many options available to you. You can choose to do more of the things you already enjoy or try something new. Exercise, get healthy or play a team sport; Join a social group or other community activity Learn how to use public transport or to drive; Play an instrument or sing in a choir; Go to the footy or the movies. We can support you in whatever you’d like to do

Your employment and learning goals are unique so we provide an individualised support model to enhance your independence, interaction skills and life choices. We can help you to: access employment; increase your independence by focusing on practical living skills to build confidence and self-esteem; develop a learning or career plan that allows you to achieve your aspirations; build your knowledge or qualifications for meaningful employment; make the transitions through schooling, to work & independent living.

Direct Care will tailor around your unique and personal circumstances, so whether you are looking for therapy services such as dietary support, speech therapy, communication assistance or reablement support, simply have a chat and coffee with our friendly team who will help you to access the right support either directly in your home or in the community.
NDIS Explained
National Disability Insurance Scheme
What Is It?
The NDIS is a new way of providing support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. Eligible people are assessed and allocated individualised funding. The idea is that everyone’s support needs are unique and that each person is able to exercise choice and control over the services and supports they receive.
Am I Eligible
Generally the following will be determined to check eligibility for the NDIS:
Age: people have to be aged between 0-65 years old (although already enrolled participants, once they turn 65, can choose either to continue with the NDIS or transfer to the aged care support system available to all Australians over that age).
Disability requirement: people will be assessed based on the impact of their disability on functional capacity to communicate, interact socially, learn, move safely around their home and the built environment and manage their personal care and affairs (banking, bill paying etc).
Early intervention requirement: early intervention supports will be available to achieve a benefit that would help mitigate the effects of an impairment, to alleviate or prevent the deterioration of functional capacity, or strengthen informal supports.
To find out about whether you are eligible and more click here.
The Rollout in SA
The rollout in South Australia began in July 2013 and from 1 February 2016, eligible children aged between 0 to 14 years of age across South Australia continue enter the NDIS.
From 1 January 2017, young people aged between 15 and 17 across South Australia will begin to enter the NDIS.
From 1 July 2017, adults aged 18 to 64 will enter the NDIS based on where they live.
The NDIS will be operating statewide for all age groups by July 2018.

NDIS Category We Support
Improved relationships
Improved health and wellbeingImproved health and
wellbeingImproved life choices
Improved daily living
Improved learning
Service Coordination
Plan Management
Assistance with daily life
Assistance with social and
community participation