Direct Care Australia
At Direct Care Australia we are always trying to improve the ways we support people in the community.
To do this, we need feedback from you – the people we support, family members, friends, carers and advocates.
You have the right, and we encourage you to provide suggestions for improvement, express your concerns or make a complaint or appeal.
Have Your Say
You can also use an advocate or tell an external agency about how you feel.
Find more information about feedback, including contact details for other groups who can help you, in the fact sheet “Have Your Say”.
External Bodies To Contact
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
1800 035 544
Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC)
08 8226 8666
Country callers: 1800 232 007 (toll free)
National Relay Service
TTY 1800 555 630
Voice 1800 555 660
TTY/Voice calls 133 677
Speak & Listen 1300555727
Fill out the Direct Care Australia feedback form
Fill out the form below and tell us about your compliment, complaint or feedback or about an incident that you would like to report. You can also print out the form and fill it out and post it back. If you provide your details we will keep you informed with how your feedback has progressed. Otherwise, you can choose to be anonymous.